Showing all 9 products
Candied Orange Peel Bar
Chocolate and orange have never been matched in a more exquisite way than these gorgeous bars of candied orange peel enveloped in dark chocolate. You don’t need a dating site to know that chocolate and orange are a perfect match. We use organic candied orange peel and our 61% dark chocolate to make these popular Wine Country Chocolates bars.
$9.00 -
Caramel Rocky Road
A Wine Country Chocolates favorite. Creamy caramel dances around fluffy marshmallows, rich dark chocolate, and crunchy almonds. No need for a spoon with this Rocky Road! Your inner-child will jump up and down with glee at the first taste of our Caramel Rocky Road. It has been a favorite with our fans since the very beginning.
$10.00 -
Chocolate Dipped Figs
Incredible dried mission figs delicately dipped in dark chocolate. They’re a uniquely impressive gift for a “foodie” friend, or for yourself. Just like chocolate, figs have a long rich history, and are believed to be one of the first fruits cultivated by humans.
$9.00 -
Dark Chocolate Apricots
Plump and chewy dried apricots dipped in our signature dark chocolate. A richly elegant dessert or midday indulgence, FYI, they’re wonderful with champagne! At Wine Country Chocolates we believe that getting your 5 daily servings of fruit is much more appealing when the fruit is dipped in chocolate!
$11.00 -
Sesame Ginger Chocolate Bar
It’s as yummy as it is intriguing. Aromatic, and slightly nutty toasted sesame seeds are a superb complement to the sweet and tangy crystallized ginger sprinkled over a bar of dark chocolate. At Wine Country Chocolates we’re always trying to raise the chocolate bar, and we think we’ve done it with our Sesame Ginger Chocolate Bar.